Wine concierge: your exclusive sommelier
Among hedonists that highly appreciate wines and champagnes, your profile might be...

The connoisseur
Perfectionist , always searching to capture all the nuances of his beloved "crus"

The passionate
Constantly curious about new discoveries or about the latest winemaker/producer in fashion and he wishes to be the first to talk precisely about the case

The true beginner
The one expressing spontaneously his feelings ("I like/I don't like"..) and who strives to put some order in his "coups de coeur" and in the reasons of his preferences
...nevertheless, all of these profiles have a common expectation : they wish to be able to rely upon "a good friend" who would be knowledgeable about wines, that they would dare to bother at any time and from whom they expect a long term loyal presence in order:
To discover more "pearls"
To find out an unusual format of a desired bottle (magnum, jeroboam..)
To request a delivery in the suitable location of the moment (country house/chalet or boat..)
Most often, by lack of time or of the proper personal connections, you'll decide to pass your turn...
Instead, let My Private Sommelier take your hand..!

In practical terms
in touch
Getting in touch
Once the contact form received, a workability of the request is made, on the time frame as well and, if need be, on possible alternatives
Setting up a meeting
at home
Setting up a meeting at home
It would be wishable, if there are only purchases. It becomes a pre requisite, if sales of bottles are foreseen (linked or not with a further purchase, like in the case of an "arbitrage")
Once purchases
are done
Once purchases are done
As soon a purchase is confirmed, you are provided with a profile of the producer and tips on the wine bought